urine carpet clean

urine carpet clean
urine carpet clean::Because liquids seep down, you may want to pull up the carpet pad, if possible.If the urine is still wet, begin at step 2.
If the urine is dry, begin at step 5.
Blot the stain with a dry cloth.
Hold the cloth down on the stain for 30 seconds or so, to let it soak in.
Ca: rubbing can damage carpet fibers.
Doodycalls: replace cloths as needed and reapply, until you are no longer soaking up puddles.
Rinse the area with water or club soda to dilute the urine.
Com: change the towels every few hours until they are no longer soaking up water.
Apply the enzymatic cleanser, following package directions.
If there is still a stain, try another commercial pet stain remover.
urine carpet clean::But now with the revolutionary p urine carpet clean
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