четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

magic carpet 2 review::I joined yelp just to write a review for this truck magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review::I joined yelp just to write a review for this truck.
Let me start by saying that the people who run the truck are very friendly.
Also, the food is affordable.
Those are the positives.
I gave the truck two stars instead of one, because i can only comment on the two things i got there.
Falafel sandwich the best part of this was everything but the falafel.
The taste of the falafel itself actually almost made me gag.
Everything else in the sandwich was excellent fresh vegetables, etc.
I recommend amsterdam falafel in washington, dc, if you are ever down that way, for a model of what falafel should taste like.
Tabouleh worse than the falafel.
It was also entirely too dry.
Good thing they included a lemon with it to help it out a little.

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