суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amitabh pal::It preemptively detained hazare and many of his supporters, claiming they were posing a threat to law and order amitabh pal

amitabh pal amitabh pal::It preemptively detained hazare and many of his supporters, claiming they were posing a threat to law and order.
This outraged a lot of indians.
Why have you arrested a simple, honest man?
The government is atrocious.
God will not save you, delhi police!
The average indian also faces petty corruption of a sort that makes daily life very painful.
There is a problem when groups not constituted legally cross the line of demands, advice and rightsbased, democratic agitation.
And when they seek to run the government and legislationno matter how wellintentioned they are.
One way he ensures compliance is through public lashing of people who defy the ban.
A selfcentered middle class fighting a very real scourge?
Hazare and his movement are rife with contradictions.
And yet in the end, this is not something to be scoffed at.
Gandhi would perhaps be exasperated and happyboth at the same time.

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