вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

carpet inn red::I have never in my life seen anything like this carpet inn red

carpet inn red

carpet inn red

carpet inn red

carpet inn red::I have never in my life seen anything like this.
My jaw actually hit the ground.
After checking in we lasted about 5 minutes and demanded a refund.
If we had not have had somewhere else to stay, i would have stayed in a homeless shelter instead of hotel carter, at least they change the sheets there.
The slow elevator, the stink in the halls.
The filth in the room, the nice dangling ceiling buddies spiders!
The extra guests in bed with you spiders and other bugs.
Exposed wires, holes in the walls, no thermostat cover, the small dingy bathroom complete with dried urine!
Never i have i experienced such a place.
They need to shut down, renovate, close condemn, or burn it down!
Do not stay here!
This hotel should not be taking money from people!
I would not allow a junkyard dog to stay at this place!
My kids walked without shoes for 2 minutes and their feet were black!
It smelled horrible and was absolutely the worst place we could have stayed!
I can promise you that you will be disgusted like never before.
This really ruined our trip and i would not recommend this dump to anyone, not even hookers or truckers.
Then when we pulled the sheets back.
Please believe that i am not picky, but this place was repulsive.
Find somewhere, anywhere else to stay!
Trust these reviews, i wish i would have!
The minute we walked into our room we noticed that everything in it was wet.
The ceiling was black and the wall paper was coming off the wall.
The room smelled like a middle school locker room.
The vending machines took my money without giving me a soda.
The place was filthy.
There were broken glass, beer bottles, and trash laying around everywhere.
The outdoor pool was green and we could actually see the algae growing in the bottom of the pool.
Mold in the bathroom, and dirty sheets!
We nealry died when we saw the room.
The matresses were like something in a prison.
Homeless people lurking outside the door and bars on the bathroom window.
Luckily we found alternative accomodation aroud the corner and demanded a refund!

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